❝ 30-Day Book Challenge ❞ | day 09

D a y  0 9 – a book you thought you wouldn’t like but ended up loving.

❝ A genius. A criminal mastermind. A millionaire. And he is only twelve years old. ❞


The first time I started reading Artemis Fowl I found it rather boring. Now now, before you start planning out how to murder me, hear me out, will you? I tried to convince myself that I should probably read at least fifty pages before setting it aside and never picking it up again; and trust me, I wanted to leave it as soon as I read, like, two pages. [Which I did. (WAIT, DON’T KILL ME.)]

After a month or so, I decided to give it another chance. After all, it was an awesome book (or so many people said), and it would be such a shame if I didn’t read it. This time I actually read more than two pages and before I knew it, I was hooked. I finished the first book eagerly awaiting the next.

I literally wanted to scold my past self for not reading the whole thing on my first go. What was there not to like?! Artemis, brilliant as he was, was the best main character ever. Not to mention Captain Holly Short and Commander Julius Root. And how could I even forget Foaly? If I could choose two favorite characters, they’d be Artemis (duh) and Foaly. Artemis, for obvious reasons; and Foaly because he was the funniest and most sarcastic of the lot. But Mulch Diggums! Man, this is hard, I love all the characters.

Hats off to Eoin Colfer for coming up with such a witty, funny and clever book for all the young readers out there. I can’t wait for the movie, I hope it doesn’t disappoint! (*cough* Like The Lightning Thief *cough*)

That’s all for today, see you around. ✌

β₯ 30-day book challenge posts

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