❝ 30-Day Book Challenge ❞ | day 05

D a y  0 5 – a book that makes you happy.

❝ If you were to be lost in the river, Jonas, your memories would not be lost with you. Memories are forever. ❞


I don’t even know how to express my love for this book in words. What I have to say simply won’t do this masterpiece justice. It’s so beautiful, it reminds us to pay attention to the smallest details around us; colors, emotions, music… In a world of Sameness where there are no choices to be made, life does get quite boring at times. The Giver is a splendid book which portrays the beauty of life in such a perfect way, it’s magic.

❝This dystopian vision of a future in which all color has been drained from life, reminds us that happiness and sadness are two sides of the same coin. You can’t have one without the other.❞

– Ella Berthoud and Susan Elderkin

You’d be surprised to know how much you have in this world that you should be thankful for. Like the simple ability to see a wide variety of colors, it’s a blessing for Jonas in his black and white world of Sameness. The ability to see in color, the ability to remember, the presence of music, the freedom of using words of your own choice; and most importantly, the ability to feel.

These are all quite mundane things that almost everyone takes for granted. Seriously, who even cares that you can see that an apple is red? We’ve become so used to some things that it hasn’t even crossed our minds that we might not have them someday. What if you woke up one day to find that you can no longer see in color? What if everything is black and white? I’ll let you take a minute to imagine that. Ah, yes, the idea is a terrifying one, indeed.

So there you have it, The Giver is a book that makes me happy! It makes me realize that the world actually is beautiful, no matter how ugly it may seem. The trick is to pay attention to the little things. ❀️

That’s all for today, see you around. ✌

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This is a whole new level of deep.

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