❝ 30-Day Book Challenge ❞ | day 03

D a y  0 3 – your favorite series.

❝ After all this time? ❞ ❝ Always. ❞

J. K. ROWLING, the deathly hallows

First off, answering this question was pure torture. Like, how do you even expect me to choose?! This question should legit be illegal, people. Don’t you dare ask anyone what their favorite book series is. I mean, top ten, I can do; top five, manageable; but favorite series? Like, just one? Nearly impossible.

Anyhow, I finally managed to settle on one series. Yes, Harry Potter. There’s no denying it, it’s one of the best series ever and I absolutely love it; so much as to actually say that it’s my favorite series. There are many other series which I adore but since I have to choose one, Harry Potter is certainly my #1. There are so many reasons why I chose this, I can’t even begin to list them all here.

Where do I even start? The Golden Trio, the four houses (I’m Slytherin, in case you were wondering), the strong independent female characters, the importance of love, friendship, courage, growing up with Harry, Hermione and Ron as the years passed by… I could go on for days. It’s simply…magic. (Pun intended) Oh, and talking about puns, there are so many Harry Potter puns we get to use in our daily lives! If you don’t know what I’m talking about there’s something siriusly ron with you.

If you haven’t read Harry Potter I have two things to say to you. A) Uncultured swine. B) Are you even, like, human? Heck, Harry Potter has probably found its way to some galaxy unknown to us! It’s a must-read, shoo, start reading it right now if you haven’t already.

That’s all for today, see you around. ✌

β₯ 30-day book challenge posts

day 01Β //Β day 02Β //Β day 03Β //Β day 04Β //Β day 05Β //Β day 06Β //Β day 07Β //Β day 08Β //Β day 09//Β day 10Β //Β day 11Β //Β day 12Β //Β day 13Β //Β day 14Β //Β day 15Β //Β day 16Β //Β day 17Β // day 18 // day 19 // day 20 // day 21 // day 22 // day 23 // day 24 // day 25 // day 26 // day 27 // day 28 // day 29 // day 30 //

60’s music is so good. ❀️

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