The art of being yourself

People say beauty doesn’t have a definition. I beg to differ, I think beauty is being yourself in every little way that you possibly can be. The clothes you wear, the books you read, the movies you watch, the food you eat, the songs that make you laugh and cry and feel emotions you didn’t even know existed, the games you play, the way you make the people around you feel… Everything.

Being yourself is real beauty.

I think that’s beautiful, how a person can be them-self in a world that’s constantly trying to change them, trying to take away what makes them them. [Does that even make sense? I hope it does, and that I don’t sound like some stupid teenager writing a cliche blog about embracing your imperfections and all that cheesy nonsense. (Which, now that I think of it, I kind of am…)]

❝ Be yourself. People don’t have to like you, and you don’t have to care. ❞


Be a nerd, and be proud. Don’t care if people don’t like you for being enthusiastic about the universe and all that it contains. Be a jock, and be proud. Don’t care if people don’t like you and think you’re dumb. Be a nerd and a jock, if that’s who you are. Heck, be something that no one has even created a name for yet! Be who you are with every breath that you take.

❝ Falling in love with yourself doesn’t make you vain or selfish, it makes you indestructible. ❞

Falling in love with yourself isn’t selfish in any way, quite the opposite. What’s selfish is not loving yourself, and trying to satisfy your soul’s needs and wants by loving someone else with pieces of your soul. Life doesn’t work like that, you can’t love someone else without being completely and utterly in love with yourself first. If you’re insecure about yourself, how can you love someone else? How do you know that you’re not fooling yourself, thinking that you love someone, when all you’re doing is feeding your soul with their love because you’re incapable of loving yourself? (Trust me when I say I’m trying to make sense, I really am.)

❝ No one is you and that is your power. ❞


You have the power of bringing something to the table that no one else has. Why waste your life trying to be someone else when there’s only one copy of you in the whole world? You just have this one life, spend every second of it appreciating who you are and trying to be the better version of your own self. Don’t give your power away, use it to its full potential. Be different, be wild, be unique. Be you. Someone doesn’t like it? Not your problem, they’ll have to deal with it.

❝ Be yourself, no one can ever tell you you’re doing it wrong. ❞

The best part is, there is no ‘wrong’ way of being you! No one is you, so literally no one can tell you the right way of being yourself. You are this weird, amazing, unique…thing, and you’re meant to exceed expectations and stand out! No one, I repeat, no one can say you’re doing it wrong, because there is no right or wrong!

❝ You wouldn’t worry so much about what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do. ❞

Let me let you in on a little secret: people don’t think about you as much as you think they do. In fact, some don’t think about you at all. Your existence is totally irrelevant to them. So do yourself a favor and stop worrying about what everyone thinks about you; because truth is, they don’t. That girl you walked past couldn’t care less if you were smiling or frowning. That boy you see at the gym everyday doesn’t care about whether your bag is Chanel or Gucci.

❝ I didn’t change, I just found myself. ❞

Someone once told me that they like to think of life as a pot of acid, and humans as a bar of chocolate. As the bar of chocolate is dipped in acid, its layers start melting away. Just like that, as we go through life, we get rid of all the unnecessary parts and in the end, all we’re left with is the core, in its pure form. And that core, that is who we actually are. So if you go through some experience that changes you, you’re getting closer to your real self, not the other way around. People often think that you’ve “changed” and that you’re “no longer yourself”; but in reality: yes, you have changed, but you’re becoming yourself, not vice versa.

Be your own kind of perfect.

❝ Fitting in is a short-term strategy, standing out pays off in the long run.


Till when will you fit in with the crowd? Till when will you hide who you are because you’re afraid of being judged? Throughout life, the people around you will change, if you change yourself every time the people around you start changing, who are you? If you change with the trends, do you even have an identity of your own? What has one got, if not himself (or herself)? If you don’t even have that, what do you have?

At the end of the day, the world doesn’t need another duplicate of someone else, it needs an original version of you. So stop trying to be someone else and start being yourself, Own who you are! No one is you and that is your superpower, use it well.

The beat’s one to die for.

Hoşçakalın arkadaşlar. ✌

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